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The Bariatric Collective

Supporting your surgical weight loss journey one step at a time

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The Bariatric Collective is here to help you navigate the road to weight loss before, during and after surgery.

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Coaching & Support

Supporting your surgical weight loss journey one step at a time

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Weight Loss Surgery Advice

Free and impartial advice and support about weight loss surgery

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Coaching & Support

We understand that coaching and support is an essential part of the long term success of a surgical weight loss journey.

The support we provide is on a one to one basis, although options to join post surgery mini hubs will be available to everybody.

The Bariatric Collective is not your surgical team. You must at all times ensure you receive support from your surgical team under the terms of your treatment plan.

We commit to be there for you especially at times of need and in return we simply ask for honesty in our conversations as we believe you deserve that.


This is the start of your new life so make it count.

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Our goal is to keep you on track

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Our motivation is to see you succeed

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Our satisfaction is your new life

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Is this Familiar?

We have a collective desire to [almost certainly and constantly want to] lose weight, to look better, to feel better and to be healthier. So why does it feel such a lonely process?

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I worry about what people think when they see me. I don't really want to go out and I certainly don't want people see me eat, I hate those judging eyes. I'm frightened of sitting on chairs that don't look solid, or breaking or getting stuck.

I can't cross my legs, get my socks on or even dry myself sometimes. I've spent my life being overweight and I constantly end up joining weight loss support groups and for some time I lose weight a few stones sometimes and then I fall off the wagon and put it back on plus a little bit more.


I do feel safe in weight loss groups. I don't feel as isolated and certainly don't feel judged. But for some reason, it always seems to fail.

We can be there for you

The Bariatric collective works to support you on your surgical weight loss journey .

Weight loss surgery is an amazing tool, but it is just that, a tool, and you will need to know how to use it for it to work effectively.

It is not a magic solution, the hard work starts after the surgery.

We understand that at times you will struggle and you will feel like you're going to fall off that wagon and we'll pull you back on. We will be there when it seems just too hard and help you to get through it and we'll be there to celebrate with you every day that you move forward.

We have taken the same journey through surgery and come out the other end, refreshed and rejuvenated and a better version of ourselves, and our goal is for you to experience that too.

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This is the start of your new life so make it count

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